Monday, 15 April 2013

Superb CV, Fit As A Flea, But No Job For You, You’re 63!

Ageism Is Alive and Kicking In More Ways Than One

Actually the chap I’m thinking about is 60yrs, but it didn’t rhyme!

This however, is no joke.  The equation is this:

We are all living longer + we have to stay healthy by being active +
pensions are not enough + more and more need to keep working =
older people need jobs

The problem is someone forgot to tell the employers!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


When should the clock stop?

I heard a great story the other day.  It was all about a university women’s football team.  They were playing as usual, the teams were well matched so they were working hard to get ahead.  It was coming to the end of the game and fatigue was setting in.  They kept playing, giving it their all, but something didn’t seem right.  Why were they so tired?  It wasn’t unusual for one or two of the players to feel depleted, but this time both teams were struggling.

What was going on?