If you let them!

I remember a man just like this when I was
in a customer-facing job working as part of a team. This guy was so unkind that one of our team
members even broke down in tears. Our
boss became more agitated and started to pick on each one of us out of frustration
and temper.
What do you think happened next?
Two things.
First the poison spread and affected the
whole team and boss to the point where other customers noticed. In fact the complaints built up
momentum. Some of the complaints were
justified because we were not working well as a team. Some however were not, but in true crowd
behaviour several people lost their sense of individuality and followed the
emotions of the crowd, or in this case fellow customers.
Even the odd customer who managed to remain
distant from the crowd, still had that look in their eye that read ‘there’s no
smoke without fire’ and assumed that there must be something fundamentally
wrong with our service if so much negativity was anything to go by.
Negativity bred negativity and the downward
spiral was crystal clear as the reputation of our company went down the toilet.
That is, until the second thing
One of our team members took a stand. He stopped following our own crowd, we his
fellow workers and broke the festering bubble that both customers and team were
feeding. He made everyone laugh!
One incredibly witty, relevant comment and
everyone melted.
Now it’s hard to be funny without insulting
some people, so tread carefully. But the
point is, he managed to turn a dreadful situation into something upbeat and
From that moment, we the team continued to
enjoy working for the customers and the customers enjoyed our efforts. In fact, we received masses of verbal and
written comments to say what a fantastic experience they had encountered and
would definitely use us again.
What happened to the original grumpy
customers? Well he went very quiet and
we even managed to make him smile, well just a little.
Moral of the story – positive emotion wins every
time. Lighten up, the customers love it.
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